Log Home Living

Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend Happenings--

This is in reverse order--oh well someday I'll get it right! Sunday the family was here to be with Travis and Sharon. It was a first trip to the NW for all of us to meet her. We were delighted!!--

Gretchen and Sally sent us California sunshine! Delicious mandarin oranges and lemons!! What a treat for deary winter days~ Thank you Gretchie and Sally!

Saturday was Splittin' day-- Wow did they get a lot done. Justin, Janae and Kelly came and the three men split piles and piles of wood. This is a big maple being split. We rented the splitter and it was going non-stop for 10 hours. Janae and I were very supportive by cooking and going to Starbucks(hard job but someone has to do it). Thanks guys for all your hard work!!